Friday, April 20, 2007


  Well J-Land, I completed my second round of radiation today -so far, so good. I feel like I've climbed that mountain and am standing on the plateau, ready to start back down. Only two sessions of chemo left and then I'll only be getting radiation. Praise God, I feel good and know, I can make it. You all have no idea what your comments and prayers have done for me. I thank God, everyday, for each of you.

  I have another share, I'd like to share with you. Read it  and if you know of anyone that this would help, please , pass it on.

  Remember, I'm on that plateau and feel  all the  closer to my Lord. God bless each of you, with love and hugs,Barbara



Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are standing strong!
My thoughts & prayers are with you. If you ever need me, just email. :)

Anonymous said...

great news:) so glad you are doing well:) so what color is your hair now? David was wondering? lol


Anonymous said...

Prayers ongoing that the radiation and chemo are doing what is needed for you.
loving you

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are doing well :) Continued prayers!


Anonymous said...

Hi there!  I know you probably don't know me, but I've been keeping up with your story and quietyly reading it and praying for you every day.  I light candles for you at and look forward to hearing how you're doing.  It's been a really long time since your last post~are you OK?  I don't wish to intrude, but I would be relieved to find out how things are with you so that I know how to pray.  God bless you, Barb.